
My days are pretty simple. Because I do not work, I don’t have a job that I will go to. Instead, I will have to find things to do to take up the time I have. What day it is will depend on what I am doing. No matter what, I usually wake at 5:45AM, and usually go to bed at 10PM. To give myself the quiet time I will want, unknown callers will not ring my phone between 9:30PM and 6AM. This is to assure that I don’t regret making my telephone number public.

I will wake up, and get dressed. I will then make a couple of cups of coffee (20oz total). The coffee gives me a little caffeiene to help wake me up. In the morning, I will address whatever email I received over the night. Since I am open to anyone writing me from any country, it is possible that someone could be writing to me while it is in the middle of the night here, but they might be working where they are at. Obviously, SPAM does not get replied to. After any email, I will try to walk throughout my apartment to get some exercise. At 6PM, I will watch the news, and after the news will be any activity that needs to be done. This will depend on whether it is an even or odd day. Afterwards, I will eventually go to bed, and start over again tomorrow.

On Mondays and Thursday, I will go to my PMB (Private Mail Box) in the morning. If I have a doctor’s appointment on this day, I will go to the appointment first, then to the PMB. I usually don’t get much in the way of mail, but bus fare is reasonable, so I can go to the box twice a week. If I have to get groceries, it would hopefully be on these days.

On odd days, I will normally go to any appointments I have. I try to make my appointments early to get those things addressed as quickly as possible. Also, most people don’t like early appointments, and there have been a few times that I will be the only one in the waiting room. I always try to make it to my appointment at least 30 minutes before the appointment. This way, I can check in, and be ready to see the doctor. When I get home, I will address any email, and if I am able to, I will walk throughout my apartment to try to get some exercise. I will usually eat my meal for the day after the news.

On even days, I would walk throughout my apartment in the morning. I don’t have much to do until after the news. After the news, I will bathe and shave. When I shave, I will shave my head first followed by my face. At the end of the week, I will replace the blades in the main razor. As with odd days, I will go to bed at my normal time.