
I try to keep my days as simple as possible with my Agoraphobia, I am in my home most of the time. Either Monday or Tuesday on an odd day. If on a Monday, I will buy a frozen pizza, and on a Tuesday, I will go to Subway. This allows me to do everything at one time with just one outing. Most of the other days, I stay inside. When my ankles will allow it, I will walk throughout the apartment to try to get some exercise. With this method, I can sit down rather immediately if needed rather than having to walk home to rest. Once in a while if my agoraphobia will allow it, I might go to the Milkshake Factory to get a milkshake. If I do that, it will be vanilla, and I will get it once they open to avoid any lines or crowds.

Once a month, I will go out to eat with my friend. This is an attempt to try to go out for pleasure. Whereas the PMB is a necessity, going out to dinner is not. I try to go in the afternoon to hopefully avoid any crowded places, and much of the time, that works out. And on the 1st-3rd of the month, I will have to do grocery shopping. This is obviously an essential thing that needs to be done so I could have food in the apartment. I do not get my SNAP benefits until the middle of the month, so that means I have to save the SNAP benefits I have until after the grocery store.

On odd days, I will go to a doctor’s appointment. I am planning on giving my doctors different days to make sure I don’t make two appointments in the same day (will be impossible to fulfill). If I need other things done, I will try to do it as early in the morning as possible. This is again to try to avoid crowds which works much of the time.

When I am home, I will do email, and when physically possible, the walks. If I get email, I try to reply as quickly as possible, and the same applies to my IM communications. With exception of watching the news, I would have music playing in the background. Not much else is said about my days, and with that being said – if you have any questions, feel free to ask me.