Essential EDC?

I have a number of items that I would always carry with me when I go out. Sometimes, I might have to carry more, but if so – they will be in addition to what I carry in this essential EDC. Everything I carry is important, and has a role to fulfill. Most of my items goes into a vest I have. There are multiple pockets allowing me to organize as I see fit. The essential items are as follows:


I carry my bandana with me in the case that I might need to clean my glasses. I rarely use it, but it is one of those better to have it an not need it, then need it, and not have it.

Contact Cards

In the event that someone would want my contact information, I will give them my contact card. The card has my photo, name, mailing address, [cellular] and [home] numbers. Below that would be my email address, my personal site (this one), and a URL to my VCard which will allow the person to download my contact information without having to type anything.


I have agoraphobia, and chronic severe pain. In both instances, music helps distract from the severity of these two afflictions. I still have issues with these impairments, but the tolerance to them is a little greater. If it wasn’t for the music that play from the earphones, I would doubt that I will be able to accomplish any errand that would require taking a bus.


Obviously, I need my keys. It is what allows me to lock and unlock the apartment door. It also is the keys that tends to my mailboxes. The keys are even needed in the instance that I will go to the management office.


At the time of editing this entry, there is no public requirement for masks, but there might be a place that would prefer them, or in some cases – require them. In addition, an establishment can require that masks are to be worn. With that in mind, I always carry a mask with me. This assures that I can go where I need to, and not have to worry about wasting a single use mask.


Obviously, if I need to call someone or if I receive a call, the phone is essential. In addition, I use the phone as my music player which the earphones are put to use (refer to above). The phone has my [cellular] phone number which can support voice, and SMS. Since the phone is an iPhone, it can also support iMessage.

Pocket Knife

If there came a time that I might have to cut a box, or string from my coat or pants, then the pocket knife will be essential. The knife is too small to be a self-defense weapon, so the role it takes are very limited to cutting something. Nothing more, nothing less.

Tactical Vest

Also known as a cargo vest, this vest has multiple pockets with most if not all of them being closed. This allows me to not have to rely on my pant’s open pockets for valuables such as wallet or phone. With this vest, I could even wear jeans and still have all of the pockets I need. Where I initially was intending on using this vest in the Summer only, I have decided to wear it year round when I go out.


Depending on my activities will depend on what I carry in my wallet. Most of the time, I will carry $20, but unless I suspect that I will be spending the money, I will rarely carry more. As for the cards I carry, it will depend. If I need to take a bus, I will carry my transit card. If I am getting food, I will likely need my SNAP card. Again, everything depends.


I don’t want to have to reach for my cellular phone every time I want to know what time it is. It just makes more sense to look at my left wrist, and see the time. With that being said, a watch is a very important item to wear. As for the watch itself, it is a basic smartwatch. I will see the time, but will also see incoming caller ID information on a call to either my cellular lines.

Water Bottle

When I go out, I will carry a 1 liter bottle of water. This will assure me that I would not need to buy a drink. I can still buy drinks if I want to, but this usually doesn’t happen. When I leave, I try to have a full bottle of water. This will assure that I would have something at all times.