I would consider myself a boring person, and many others might see it the same way as well. However, I will try to add zest to this page, and help you not fall asleep. Each interest will have its own paragraph.
I enjoy listening to music, but can not relay the lyrics of my favorites. Since my last MacOS update, my Music app is now working on my computer. With that in mind, I alternate between playing my music collection, and Spotify. When I go out, I will listen to my music collection.
I also enjoy writing web pages as you might be able to guess from the significant number of websites I currently have. I use Word Press for all of my websites, and therefore, not actually developing the site. I instead use the Word Press backend to produce my pages. I am however responsible for the content on the sites.
I also enjoy writing emails, and to a lesser extent messaging. If you’re interested, you can find most of my resources on my [contact] site. I try to write as long and extensive emails as possible, but it is hard with my mostly shut-in lifestyle.
I also enjoy RPGs (Role Playing Games) such as Dungeons and Dragons. I hadn’t played in a long time, and the last person I played with was with my brother in 2018. Since I don’t have a large network of friends, it will be nearly impossible to find a group to play with. I am also not familiar with the most recent set of rules, so I will be considered as a bit rusty.